Bogdan Petre

Acest blog infiintat in 2008 este si va ramane pasiunea mea principala. Sunt interesat de gadget-uri de orice fel, de la smartphone-uri, tablete, laptopuri si pana la sisteme audio sau camere foto. In plus, incerc pe cat imi permite timpul sa invat noi lucruri despre arta fotografica. De asemenea, voi incerca pe cat posibil sa relatez despre locurile frumoase pe care le intalnesc in calatoriile mele din vacante.

One thought on “Samsung iese la atac

  • February 4, 2009 at 2:00 pm

    After carefully reading reviews on the web and YouTube i found out that the NC10 is the best netbook all around. I bought it along with the Crucial 2GB memory both for $489, as soon as it arrived i changed the memory module and i have to say that its way too easy anybody can do it. After fully charging the battery and setting up the OS i was very impressed.

    -Amazing battery life mine lasted a little more than 6 hours at normal performance.
    -You can select between Max battery life, normal and max performance which is great for saving battery life.
    -Great recovery tool, it saves the initial state of your laptop in case anything goes wrong you can just go back to the beginning
    – The keyboard is great, and the keys are in the right place unlike some other netbooks.
    -The screen is very bright and can be adjusted, also its not glossy so you don’t have the usual glare when using it outside and its very bright when using it outdoors.
    – Bluetooth and Wifi (The NC10 gets a better signal than my HP notebook).
    – It runs fast.
    – Great touchpad gestures.
    – Very nice design i specially like the front led’s at night.
    – Integrated webcam and the software for it is good, it allows you to record video and take still pictures.
    – Great connectivity: 3 USB, Ethernet, External display, mic, headphones, Memory card reader, Bluetooth and Wi-fi

    – You have to get used to the keyboard and keypad, the touchpad is small, takes a little bit of getting used to but the touchpad gestures make it way easier to use and you get used to both pretty quickly.
    – Was unable to install Adobe Illustrator due to the resolution of the screen (basically the screen is too small for that program) but not to worry i have it installed on my other computer.
    – The memory card reader is not compatible with the Memory Stick (MS) format it only accepts SD, SDHC and MMC.
    – Requires an external CD/DVD reader, but that’s to be expected on a netbook.

    Its a great netbook specially because of the battery life, great for traveling and moving around, i really appreciate the freedom it gives you since my old laptop’s batteries where old and gave up in only 40 minutes, now i have 6 hours of use, its very fast with 2GB (i highly recommend buying it along with the 2GB memory).

    Find cheap Samsung NC10 Netbook


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