Acer Aspire One 751

Cu noul lor netbook, cei de la Acer se apropie de dimensiunea ideala pentru un astfel de echipament atat din punct de vedere al diagonalei ecranului cat si al marimii tastaturii. Pe langa diagonala ecranului de 11.6 inchi mai are si un procesor Atom Z520, 1 GB RAM si un HDD de 160 GB. Pretul se pare ca fi in jurul a 490 de Euro.

Via SlashGear.

One thought on “Acer Aspire One 751

  • June 21, 2009 at 7:58 am

    Acer Aspire One AOA150-1505
    It is exactly as i thought it would be!
    Baterry last for like 4 to 5 hours of hard use!
    The keyboard is a litle small, but it works just fine, you get used to it!
    The only bad thing is the webcam, could be a 1.3 mpixel! It only 0.3!


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