EISA 2009 – Eee PC 1008HA Seashell – cel mai bun netbook

Colţurile rotunjite şi suprafeţele glossy definesc stilul „Seashell” al lui ASUS Eee PC 1008HA. Portabilul este subţire şi uşor, fiind foarte simplu de transportat. Ecranul cu tehnologie LED are o diagonală de 10 inci oferind rezoluţia de 1024×600 de pixeli. Dispozitivul integrează un procesor Intel Atom N280 – cel mai bun din această categorie – şi are preinstalate sistemul Microsoft Windows XP Home şi suita Microsoft Works. Netbook-ul mai include: 1GB DDR2 RAM, hard disk cu o capacitate de 160GB şi spaţiu de stocare online de 10GB. Modelul este pregătit pentru comunicaţii, graţie interfeţelor WLAN 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1, USB 2.0 (2 porturi) şi LAN. Dacă vă doriţi un netbook care să fie puternic şi totodată la modă, ASUS Eee PC 1008HA reprezintă cea mai bună alegere.

One thought on “EISA 2009 – Eee PC 1008HA Seashell – cel mai bun netbook

  • September 26, 2009 at 6:31 am

    Three words for this netbook: Stilysh, compact, slim. The covered ports are awesome and really makes this pc look expensive and original. Everyone in the office asks me about it because, compared to other netbooks, this one is really thin. Regarding the 2GB upgrade, you see when you run WinXP with customized desktops, antivirus & antispyware you’re pretty much about 416MB of ram. The other 584MB you can use for PPTs, (Internet Explorer, Itunes, and Outlook) and you’ll be fine. I have a friend who made the 2GB upgrade on this 1008HA and really, it doesn’t feel any faster (performance wise). Windows 7 Requires a minimum of 1GB of ram for a 32BIT, so when the final release comes out it will run perfect. I’d give 5 stars just because $400 bucks really makes it worth of the price being 1/4th of a macbook air. You won’t regret it.


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