Samsung: Symbian – OFF, Windows Phone 7 – ON
Doua stiri extrem de interesante, amandoua venind din partea aceleiasi companii, Samsung.
Prima: Samsung renunta la suportul pentru sistemul de operare mobil Symbian incepand cu data de 31 decembrie 2010. Apune o era la Samsung, Symbianul nu mai prezinta interes pentru publicul larg. Personal imi pare rau. Am butonat la vremea lui un telefon Samsung cu Symbian care mi-a placut foarte tare, Innov8. Recunosc totusi ca, acest sistem de operare este oarecum depasit de vremuri.
A doua: Tot ei anunta ca, pana la sfarsitul anului, vor lansa pe piata cateva modele de smartphone-uri bazate pe Windows Phone 7, in America, Asia dar si in Europa. Prin lansarea unor astfel de terminale vor sa acapareze o cota de piata mai importanta. Noile smartphone-uri vor avea configuratii hardware de ultima generatie si vor dispune de aplicatii diverse, atat de business cat si pentru divertisment. Amintim de Xbox Live, Office, Zune, Windows Live sau Bing.
Deci, Samsung se vor focusa pe telefoane cu Android, Bada si Wp7. Dupa cum au declarat mai demult, 50% vor fi terminale cu Android, 33% cu Bada si restul cu Wp7, daca gandim logic. Nu? Poate, intre timp, s-au mai schimbat strategiile. Parca un 33% pe toate liniile ar suna mai bine. Ramane de vazut cat de fiabil este noul SO Mobil de la Microsoft.
Comunicatul de presa, in engleza, pe urmatoarea pagina.
Samsung and Microsoft join forces for Windows Phone 7 products
SEOUL, KOREA – September 30, 2010 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in mobile technology, today announced the completion of an agreement to use the Windows Phone 7 platform and related application software as a key component of Samsung’s smartphone portfolio.
With the signing of this contract, Samsung makes a long term commitment to including Windows Phone 7 in its smartphone portfolio. Samsung plans to launch several models based on Windows Phone 7 this year in the US, Europe and Asia.
“For years, Samsung has been a key partner in bringing new Windows phones to customers all over the world,” said Steve Guggenheimer, Corporate Vice President, OEM Division at Microsoft. “Windows Phone 7 is an important release, and we look forward to deepening our collaboration with Samsung on mobile devices and beyond, with our multi-screen strategy.”
WP Hong, Executive Vice President and Head of Product Strategy Team said “The addition of Windows Phone 7 smartphones to Samsung’s smartphone portfolio is a significant milestone for us. Samsung’s new Windows Phone 7 based smartphones will play a key role to reinforce Samsung’s leadership in smartphone market. The new Windows Phone 7 smartphones will provide an unparalleled entertainment experience on the go.”
Samsung’s Windows Phone 7 smartphones will combine the latest hardware design and technology with Microsoft’s software and innovation heritage. Using design to simplify tasks and Windows Phone hubs to organize information, Windows Phone 7 breaks the current smartphone convention with an experience that helps people more easily find and consume the data, information and services they care most about. The new phones are distinguished by unique and diverse experiences built from Microsoft’s deep portfolio such as Xbox LIVE, Office, Zune, Windows Live, Bing and more.