La YAHOO! Open Hack toti premiantii sunt romani!
Din pacate, nu am ajuns duminica seara la anuntarea premiantilor evenimentului Yahoo! Open Hack. Astazi, din comunicatul de presa, am aflat ca toti castigatorii sunt din Romania. De altfel, nici nu cred ca este o surpriza, doar stim ca avem tineri destoinici si talentati in ale programarii. Bine le zice Victor in articolul sau: “Ar trebui ca tara asta sa fie plina de milionari din programare, insa ceva lipseste din ecuatie, nu stiu ce.”
La concurs au participat peste 350 de “hackeri” care au inscris aproximativ 60 de proiecte. Din juriu au facut parte si doi oficiali Yahoo!, Raymie Stata – CTO si Todd Hay – seful Yahoo! Developer Network.
Proiectele castigatoare, pe urmatoarea pagina. Ar fi interesant de aflat si in ce au constat premiile echipelor invingatoare.
Categoria Best Messenger Hack
Nume Proiect: Yahoo! Social Programming
Descriere: A Eclipse plug-in based on Yahoo Messenger API that enables programmers around the world to share their code in real-time.
Echipa: Corabia Nebunilor (Cristi Staicu, Liana Lupsa, Sandra Serbanescu, Horia Radu)
Categoria Best Yahoo! product enhancement
Nume Proiect: TheBatMail
TheBatMail is a web app (Yahoo Mail App) that integrates directly into Yahoo! Mail. Our app has 3 main featurers or hacks if you want: threaded discussions, social discovery and email editing.
Echipa: The BatMen (Lucian Todea, Constantin Tovisi, Mircea Soaica, Stefan Rusu)
Categoria Best Hack for Social Good
Nume Proiect: Map of Deforested Areas of Romania
Descriere: A program that makes possible the identification of forest cuts, working with satellite images. This application will be used by the general public (crowd sourced) and checked by the organizers (environmental NGO) in order to build the first public inventory of deforested areas in the country. The complete report drawn from the application will be used to notify the authorities, and the media, so that the situation be checked and cleared up officially.
Echipa: We plant good deeds in Romania! (Emilian Losneanu, Dragos Barbu, Liana Buzea, Florin Buga)
Categoria Best Mashup
Nume Proiect: Ymotion
Descriere: Ymotion helps you get the an idea about the mood of your audience at a presentation or in a touristic place by leveraging face detection and face gestures recognition techniques.
Echipa: The Guys (Andrei Blaj, Lucian Hutanu, Alexandru Rada, Catalin Morosan)
Categoria Best Local Hack
Nume Proiect: Tourist Guide
Descriere: Tourist guide finds the most popular objectives to be visited. The popularity is based on the number of pictures from flickr, foursquare, gowalla and panoramio near the place the visitor is. The application also finds the best route between the objectives and shows it.
Echipa: Javascript Team (Gabriel Munteanu, Alexandru Bardas, Alexandru Topliceanu, Marian Posaceanu)
Categoria Best BOSS Hack
Nume Proiect: Take a Hike
Descriere: A tool to help people see who they’re voting for. It tracks movement through the political partys for the current politicians, shows stats and other useful information.
Echipa: Plan 9 (Alexandru Badiu)
Categoria Hacker’s Choice
Nume Proiect: The Yahoo! Farm – “Cloud Data in Your BedRoom”
Echipa: The RoboFun Team (Viorel Spinu, Constantin Craciun, Ionut Cotoi, Alexandru Stefanica)
This farm house uses a series of APIS to tell the user the weather, if there are new emails, and how many friends are online. The windmill and backdrop depend on the weather, the sheep are the number of online friends, and the lighted tree represents the number of new emails.
Categoria Best in Show pentru prezentarea a 3 hackuri realizate in 24 de ore
Castigator: Alexandru Badiu
1)- Take a Hike (detalii mai sus)
2)- Quick info – Quick info uses Yahoo BOSS and YQL to quickly pull information about a particular subject from various sources.
3)- Playlist-O-Matic – Generates music playlists based on your various inputs