Va fi haos in Barcelona pe durata MWC-ului?
Se pare ca sindicatele din metroul si sistemul public de transport din Barcelona planuiesc o greva in timpul Congresului Mondial al Telefoniei. Va cam dati seama ce haos se va crea in Barcelona in acea perioada, cei mai afectati fiind participantii la targ care trebuie sa ajunga in timp util la diversele evenimente.
Din cate am vazut eu, reteaua de taximetre este destul de vasta si numeroasa in Barcelona, dar nu cred ca va face singura fata comenzilor din acele zile.
In aceste momente, autoritatile negociaza cu sindicatele pentru renuntarea la planurile de greva.
Chiar sunt curios ce se va mai intampla…
O scrisoare oficiala, pe urmatoarea pagina.
Dear Mobile World Congress Attendee,
Today the GSMA released the following statement on the planned Barcelona public transport strike:
The metro and bus workers from TMB, the main public transport operator in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, have announced plans to strike during Mobile World Congress which will be held 27th February through 1st March 2012.
The GSMA has senior executives in Barcelona and they have been meeting regularly with government officials from the City of Barcelona, Catalonia Regional Government, Spanish Ministry of Industry, the Fira and the various police authorities since the strike was first announced. The GSMA has advised the government authorities that they should do everything to avert the strike and we have been assured that negotiations are ongoing in order to try and resolve the issues.
In the event the parties do not reach agreement, comprehensive contingency plans are in place to ensure that all participants of the Mobile World Congress have unfettered access to and from the Fira during all days of the event. We will announce the details of those contingency plans as necessary should the strike take place. The GSMA remains confident that the issues will be resolved and that there will be little, if any, impact to the Mobile World Congress.
Further, the Barcelona government has offered the GSMA its strong assurances that Mobile World Congress attendees will not be affected and all participants will be able to arrive and depart the event safely and without disruption.
John Hoffman
GSMA Mobile World Congress
ma simt norocos ca ajung din timp si am cazare chiar la Placa Espanya 😛
frumos, frumos. poate ne vedem pe acolo.